TDP Mission 使命-A.F.R.I.C.A.
1. Additional Returns 公平價格+10
We offer a fair price with 10% additional returns to farmers and their families to support their living needs.
Project #1《Tella Mande》We fund a local building material store that creates job opportunities and builds sustainable shelters for the farmer's community.
Project #2《Legeruki》We supply cherry pulping machines for farmers to reduce their financial burden.
Project #3《Weru Weru》:We sponsor orphans and underprivileged children's tuition fees to change the destiny of poverty across generations through education.
項目一《地區Tella Mande》乞力馬扎羅其中一條村的農民子弟完夢,提供起動基金開一間建築材料小店,提供就業機會以及建築堅固的房屋,回饋農民社區;
項目三《地區Weru Weru》是為孤苦無依的小童助學,讓他們改變隔代貧窮的命運。
2. Friendship 農民就是好朋友
We often visit our farmer friends and stay in their places to get a deeper understanding of their living and working conditions.
3. Roasting Lab 本地烘焙
We transport the green beans back to Hong Kong for roasting. We pass on the roasting skills and passion to local young people. Together we continue the Tanzanian coffee dream and build up a Made-in-Hong Kong brand.
我們直接將珈啡生豆(Green Beans)運回香港自家烘焙,我們專心研究就是為了不辜負每粒豆背後的汗水;我們相信,將烘焙的技術和熱情傳給本地年青人及基層朋友,一起成就TDP的夢想,意義更大。
4. Inspiration and Life Education 啟發及教育
There are stories behind each bean, some touching, some full of wisdom, and some inspirational. Therefore, we regularly have coffee time with our friends and reflect on the meaning of life together.
5. Connections 近況分享
We believe coffee connects people. We often organize exhibitions at coffee shops that use our TDP coffee beans and share the dreams of our African friends through photos, videos, and stories to more Hongkongers.
6. Assessment and Monitoring 可靠生產線
We set up a licensed company in Tanzania for direct supervision. We work closely with trustworthy cooperatives and organizations and monitor our project. We do not allow every single bean is grown from oppression and blood.